Thursday, January 28, 2010

More Jesse Progress and a Peek at Mike Ruiz

I've made some more progress with the Jesse Archer painting for my CHEESECAKE show. Here's the latest:

The exhibit was also the subject of a post on Elisa Rolle's site earlier this week, which included additional pics of the work in progress, and quotes from a few famous Cheesecake Boy models. Check it out HERE, and I'll include the quotes below:

"I've never been painted before and its an honor because Paul is so talented. I also love his concept for me. I can't think of anything better than an homage to female slasher victims who can't keep their clothes on!" ~Jesse Archer

"I met Paul thru Facebook I believe and then he emailed me asking me if it would be OK to paint me as a Cheesecake Boy. I took a look at his work and I really liked it so I was flattered to be included. I love the arts in all forms and do anything I can to support them. He's very talented and I am looking forward to the final piece." ~Jack Mackenroth

"I know I first encountered Paul's work online somewhere, but it wasn't until he contacted me that I got to know him and his work better, and got lured into 'Pauly's World'. He was interested in one of my prints, (I believe he wanted it as a gift for his partner) and wondered if I'd be interested in a swap, since he was an artist too. When I looked at his work online, I went, "ahhh this is the guy who did the wonderful piece with Cher and the boy, and Tammy Faye!". I ended up showing his work to my boyfriend, who really loved the 'Dolly Pop' piece. That's the one I decided to swap with Paul. So it ended up that I gave HIS work to MY partner as a gift, and he just loves it as does everyone who visits." ~ Michael Breyette

And here's a sneak peek of my latest sketch for the show, a pin-up portrait of photographer Mike Ruiz:

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