Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cheesecake Media Release

Here’s the press kit for my Cheesecake exhibit. 
Please download, enjoy, and share (especially if you hang out with Oprah on occasion). :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

More Jesse Progress and a Peek at Mike Ruiz

I've made some more progress with the Jesse Archer painting for my CHEESECAKE show. Here's the latest:

The exhibit was also the subject of a post on Elisa Rolle's site earlier this week, which included additional pics of the work in progress, and quotes from a few famous Cheesecake Boy models. Check it out HERE, and I'll include the quotes below:

"I've never been painted before and its an honor because Paul is so talented. I also love his concept for me. I can't think of anything better than an homage to female slasher victims who can't keep their clothes on!" ~Jesse Archer

"I met Paul thru Facebook I believe and then he emailed me asking me if it would be OK to paint me as a Cheesecake Boy. I took a look at his work and I really liked it so I was flattered to be included. I love the arts in all forms and do anything I can to support them. He's very talented and I am looking forward to the final piece." ~Jack Mackenroth

"I know I first encountered Paul's work online somewhere, but it wasn't until he contacted me that I got to know him and his work better, and got lured into 'Pauly's World'. He was interested in one of my prints, (I believe he wanted it as a gift for his partner) and wondered if I'd be interested in a swap, since he was an artist too. When I looked at his work online, I went, "ahhh this is the guy who did the wonderful piece with Cher and the boy, and Tammy Faye!". I ended up showing his work to my boyfriend, who really loved the 'Dolly Pop' piece. That's the one I decided to swap with Paul. So it ended up that I gave HIS work to MY partner as a gift, and he just loves it as does everyone who visits." ~ Michael Breyette

And here's a sneak peek of my latest sketch for the show, a pin-up portrait of photographer Mike Ruiz:

Monday, January 25, 2010


I've decided to change the name of my exhibit in June at the Center on Halsted to be more reflective of the work. Instead of Gay Day at Paulyworld, I'm going with CHEESECAKE. Here's a little promo (photo courtesy of the talented Allison Grimes):

I also wanted to share a sneak-peek at one of the pieces in-progress, In Hot Pursuit, Starring Jesse Archer:

Ok, now I need get back to work painting some clothes for that boy (or at least the shredded remains of them!)...

Saturday, January 9, 2010


CHEESECAKE, my upcoming show at the Center on Halsted in Chicago (curated by David Joseph), is getting even more fabulous by the minute thanks to some amazing celebrities who have agreed to be Cheesecake Boy models for the new paintings. My concept is to show gay men from various artistic disciplines being accidentally stripped of their clothes while demonstrating their craft. Leading the pack is the handsome (and incredibly sweet) actor Jesse Archer, who is being shown in my rendition of a classic horror/slasher film — complete with a kooky, knock-kneed monster in hot pursuit as poor Jesse struggles through some treacherous, fabric-ripping branches on his way to safety. Jesse was kind enough to provide me with wonderful reference photos for the project. Here’s my favorite:

And here’s the sketch for the painting, which I’m tentatively calling In Hot Pursuit, Starring Jesse Archer:

Who are some of these other guest stars, you might ask? While there will be a few more additions, the list has been steadily growing and I’m so thrilled that such an impressive and diverse group of people have said “yes!” Who knew that gay men would be so willing to be depicted with their pants down? Allow me to name(drop) a few for you here, although you’ll have to check back soon to find out the wacky scenarios I have in store for them!

Michael Breyette

Del Shores

Dale Levitski

Bobby Trendy

Jack Mackenroth

Mike Ruiz

Perez Hilton

Bobbie Burlesque

James St. James

Jason Driskill

Alec Mapa

Darryl Stephens

Ari Gold

How's that for a cast list? If you want to be first in line to see these boys and their impending wardrobe malfunctions, be sure to sign up for my e-mail newsletter HERE.

Things That Go Bump in the Night

I just finished a new Cheesecake Boy painting called Things That Go Bump in the Night, guaranteed to scare your pants off! It will appear on the cover of an upcoming Dreamspinner Press anthology with the same title, but here's a sneak peek-a-BOO: