Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Last Night with Cher

Here’s a photo from late last night showing the progress of my painting for the show “RuPaul’s Drag Race” at the World of Wonder Gallery in LA.

The painting’s titled “The Cher Within,” and as you can see, it’s all about embracing our inner divas by vogeuing without pants. Still to come – Cher’s legs, a table full of make-up and drag accessories, and a few more disco balls for good measure. I’m going to be painting like crazy to finish this piece up today while listening to my Cher station on Pandora – which prompts a random but important question: why don’t more recording artists use the cheesy wind sound in their music any more? I think what pop radio is sorely lacking are over-the-top power ballads punctuated by the occasional synthesized “whooooosh.” Just my opinion... Ok, speaking of wind, I think I’ve caught my second one so I’m going to get back to the easel now. No more blogging on such little sleep! Check back soon, though, to see Cher in all her glory.

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