Monday, August 25, 2008

A Little More "Exposure"

The erotic art site Incubus' Choice posted a link to my work and a short interview. Here's an excerpt:

What have you gained by being on the internet?
Well for starters, I found my partner online! Dennis is an amazingly supportive and wonderful influence on my life, not to mention a hot model for some of my Cheesecake Boys! As for my artwork, which I’m sure was the point of the question, it’s gained a lot of exposure through my website. I’ve received e-mails from people all over the world who’ve found my work and can relate to it. It’s a wonderful way to reach a broad audience who would never find me otherwise. Most of the opportunities I’ve had over the past few years have been a direct result of internet exposure, including having my work licensed for the cover of a Puerto Rican gay fiction novel “Dos Centimetros de Mar” by Carlos Vázquez Cruz, Cheesecake Boys card publication through 10Percent Productions, exhibit opportunities at the World of Wonder Gallery in Hollywood and A Bitchin’ Space Gallery in Sacramento, and an invitation to the memorial service for one of my diva inspirations Tammy Faye Messner at which my portrait of her was displayed and auctioned.

To read the full interview, click here: INCUBUS

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