Sunday, November 22, 2009

Brand-Spanking New Progress Shots

I was able to work on my new painting "Naughty or Nice" today. Here are some pics of it in progress:

This is one of my last nights working in my current studio. Dennis and I are getting ready to move to a wonderful new apartment this week, so I'll be busy settling into a new place soon -- complete with a fabulously gigantic finished basement that will be my new studio space. I can't wait! Plus it will be nice not to be surrounded by a million boxes.

I'm going to close for now because I'm busy working on some interview questions that Antonio Capurro sent me for his site Gay Like You. That could be why this post isn't brimming with my usual witty banter -- I need to save all of my charm for his incredibly thought-provoking list of 30 questions. Whew! I hope I'm interesting enough to talk about that long...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Spreading Some Holiday Cheer

Here's what's on the drawing board...have you been naughty or nice this year?

Ins & Outs Book

An updated and expanded version of my book Ins & Outs was recently released, featuring 50 pieces of artwork now including my Cheesecake Boys, all of my novel cover illustrations to date, and a new interview by Cat Johnson. You can check out a full preview and order the book online HERE.

Uncovering the Winner

In my recent Uncovered contest, I invited everyone to vote on their favorite of three cover illustrations to help me decide which one should become a limited-edition print. Recently on the site Shared Wisdom, I revealed that the winning image is The Hired Man, from the novel by Jan Irving. Prints are now available in my online store HERE, and I invite everyone to pop over to Shared Wisdom HERE to check out the article in which I share some of the sketches and reference photos used for my novel illustrations. Here's a peek:

Also, congratulations to Laurie G. Ballantyne-Gaska who was chosen as the winner of the Uncovered contest and will receive the first print of The Hired Man as well as a copy of the book courtesy of Dreamspinner Press.


Thanks to my fabulous stunt-double, I have some photos to share from GLAAD's OUTAuction. My friend Savannah Spirit attended the event on Sunday and kept me thoroughly updated with multiple rounds of mobile Facebook uploads. Thanks, Savannah! My painting, Noah's Gay Wedding Cruise, was auctioned at the event to help raise money for GLAAD. The show celebrated GLAAD's Top 100 Artists, and I was honored to be included.

There's a recap of the festivities in Time Out New York by Alex Schechter, and he mentioned my painting (excerpt below). Click HERE to read the full article.

"We thought the most interesting item was a piece by Paul Richmond entitled 'Noah’s Gay Wedding Cruise,' an oil painting of iconic gay and lesbian couples (Ellen and Portia, Elton and David, Bert and Ernie) alongside some not-so-iconic same-sex animal couples (a pair of giraffes in top hats, a pair of chimps in bow ties), all aboard a rainbow-flagged ark. Love it!"